An Open Letter to the Man of My Prayers


Your existence always reminds me of the black swan theory as you came unexpectedly and suprisingly, and from that day forward, a collision happened, t’was a sign that I would come back home to myself again.

You are an answered prayer and I will keep on saying it in every darn letter that I am going to write for you. I love you, too much that it makes me want to bring out not just the best but the worst in me, Im all in, you are worth the risk.

I dont know how I am going to express the gratitude I have been feeling everyday, Thank you for loving the parts of me that needed to be loved, thank you for choosing me out of all the suggested friends on Facebook.

Praise God!

Your existence is quite surreal that makes me want to praise God more and more!

I know the world has been hard to us, we got to experience pain in different versions and funny, how these series of heartbreaks lead us right next to each other.

It’s a blessing. You’re a blessing and blessed is the woman who have met you and known you.


I will love you even in your darkest days and the day after

I will love you even after you show me your weaknesses

I will love you sincerely, unconditionally and faithfully

I love you enough that I let you, a firefighter burned all the walls that I built for myself

I love all the parts of your body, even the broken pieces of your heart

I love the way you think, the way you perceive situation, the way you give your opinion and justify things

You are indescribable

I become even prouder to know you with each passing day

Thankyou for being who you are, thank you for being kind and genuine, thank you for serving this country with utmost dignity and discipline

I will continually pray for you the man of my prayers

I cant wait to watch beach sunset with you and capture the silhouette of yours

I would love to trek knowing that you are with me in highs and lows

Im dreaming of Siargao island escapade with you and I wish that if I get inked in Benguet, you are with me too

I want to live in New York, but if it’s not with you Im forgetting this dream

Let’s watch LANY’s concert together

I want you to be by my side when I celebrate victories and defeat and I want to be by your side when you achieve a milestone or lose an opportunity

Tell me all your dreams because those are my dreams too, the desires of you heart will be mine also.

There’s so many things that I would really really love to do with you

And Yes, there will be days that we are going to feel unloved, some days we have to fuss and fight, we will get jealous out of nowhere, we will be mad with no apparent reason and I pray when these things happen we still got each other’s back. It will never be easy and smooth as we wanted it to be so I pray that at the end of that effin day you still choose me.

The only description I have in mind everytime Im saying “I love you” is the 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, You are an answered prayer and this is the kind of love I think you always deserve, because love is supposed to be kind and patient.

My love, this is an open letter

PS: old-fashioned letter is still classic but I stopped living in 50th century

All for love,

Love, Jhoanna

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